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For the Housing Community of ul. Pieńkowskiego 5 taking over its administration by our company was a breakthrough. It happened at the beginning of February 2011. We promptly started the analysis of the technical condition of the Building and the Housing Community’s financial situation. The result of the analysis was a broad plan of operation and projects submitted to the Board, the main purpose of which was…
For the Housing Community of ul. Pieńkowskiego 5 taking over its administration by our company was a breakthrough. It happened at the beginning of February 2011. We promptly started the analysis of the technical condition of the Building and the Housing Community’s financial situation. The result of the analysis was a broad plan of operation and projects submitted to the Board, the main purpose of which was…
An exemplary project concerning real property management by Business Consulting Solutions Sp. z o.o. is the Housing Community located in Warsaw, ul. Pieńkowskiego 5.
It is a large Housing Community (consisting of 130 residential units). The area of the Building is 6,700 sq. m., it was erected in the second half of the 1970s. Due to this fact the renovations were long overdue, as between 2010 and 2011 the building was greatly depreciated. The former company administering the building managed the Housing Community’s affairs in a very passive way: without a vision, invention or commitment.
For the Housing Community of ul. Pieńkowskiego 5 taking over its administration by our company was a breakthrough. It occurred at the beginning of February 2011. We promptly started the analysis of the technical condition of the Building and the Housing Community’s financial situation. The result of the analysis was a broad plan of operation and projects submitted to the Board, the main purpose of which was to perform maximum of comprehensive works: replacement of all installations (central heating, water and sewage, electrical system), thermal modernisation and replacement of windows, doors and elevators, in order to ensure that the building is trouble-free for the next several years, at the same time reducing maintenance, running and operating expenses. At the encouragement of the new administration the Housing Community installed a monitoring system. It increased safety and also eliminated acts of vandalism (at the same time reducing running costs).
The Board of the Housing Community (having seen the need for renovations for a long time and having had plans to carry them out) have concurred with the aforementioned analysis and accepted the plan of renovations and other actions for the next several months. What is important and what definitely pleases us is the fact that the plan has not only been approved, but also openly and emphatically supported by the Representative of the City Hall of the Capital City of Warsaw.
The renovations started in the early summer of 2011 and their most important part was thermal modernization of the whole building. The works were performed for the amount incomparably lower than in other buildings in the neighbourhood. It was also confirmed by the City Representative who, representing the local government – as the owner of some of the residential units – also functions as a supervisor.
The works planned by the Board of the Housing Community and the new administration in the form of Business Consulting Solutions Sp. z o.o. are still in progress. Almost completed is the replacement of electrical system in the whole building and installation of an aesthetically pleasing and at the same time power-saving lighting in staircases including motion sensors. Also a tender was concluded for a comprehensive modernisation (replacement) of all three elevators, its completion is planned for autumn 2012. LCD electronic panels will be installed in the elevators in order to present information to the residents of the Housing Community in a convenient and direct manner.
Awaiting execution is, among others, renovation of staircases. The Housing Community, however, has funds for all the works, mainly thanks to the precisely planned budget, savings generated during the already performed works and future savings (that will arise from the modernisation of installations), as well as money received from the thermal modernisation fund. Debt collection is also efficient – the amount of payments in arrears was reduced within a year by several dozen per cent which contributed to maintaining the safe level of financial liquidity of the Housing Community.
Thanks to the aforementioned actions the residents’ satisfaction concerning their living conditions has been considerably enhanced. The residents of the Housing Community express a very positive opinion of our administrative service, as well as financial and accounting services we provide.
Owing to the cooperation with Business Consulting Solutions Sp. z o.o. the Housing Community executed the following small, but thoroughly deliberated and meticulously planned works:
- modification of the access road (new kerbs, ramps in front of building entrances);
- regeneration of green areas in front of the building (new and nice-looking grass, new shrubs, new hedge);
- new rubbish bins (they inspire admiration not only among the Housing Community residents!);
- new notice displays that are more conveniently located (which improved the quality and efficiency of information circulating between the residents and administration);
- doormats and carpeting in staircases (which vastly improved interior appearance);
- a place for storage of bulk waste (until recently its absence was the bane of the Housing Community, because everybody left bulk waste near building entrances, which looked awful and created large additional expenses for the Community for its frequent removal); now the waste is out of the way, nobody sees it and it is removed when proper amount is gathered;
- new signs in the access road and frequent interventions by the administrator resulted in cars no longer being parked where it’s forbidden (in front of entrances);
- a place for meetings of residents, administrator and Board has been prepared (allowing to establish regular duty hours within the Housing Community).
Those are small things not affecting the budget, but are of significance for the residents’ satisfaction.
Our professionalism will be verified by:
Krystian Ozga
Member of the Board of the Housing Community of ul. Pieńkowskiego 5
Tel.: 604 996 694
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